Why should you carry a little box of Mixed Seeds to office ? Read this. Superfood seeds pack a punch with nutrients that fuel your body and mind. These little seeds come with a multitude of benefits. Go through this sheet if you are looking for weight loss, improved GUT Health, Better Skin Clarity, hashtag#glowing skin, and more. Sharing the benefits and some recipes of these magic seeds Benefits of Hemp Seeds (Bhang ke beej) Rich in HIGH-QUALITY PROTEIN. Good source of essential FATTY acids. Supports HEART health. Improves DIGESTION. Provides ANTI-INFLAMMATORY benefits. Excellent addition to a BALANCED diet. Benefits of Poppy Seeds (Khus-Khus) Enhances HEART HEALTH by reducing bad CHOLESTEROL levels. Supports BONE HEALTH. Promotes SKIN HEALTH with ANTI-INFLAMMATORY and ANTIOXIDANTS EFFECTS. Boosts the IMMUNE SYSTEM. Aids SLEEP, RELIEVES STRESS and ANXIETY. Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds Aids WEIGHT LOSS. Good for GUT health. Contributes to HEALTHY, GLOWING SKIN. Provides essential VITAMINS & MINERALS like Vit C, Vit K, FOLATE. Lowers BLOOD PRESSURE and CHOLESTROL levels. Benefits of Fennel Seed (Saunf) Helps with DIGESTION, relieves BLOATING and GAS. Good source of VITAMIN C POTASSIUM, and CALCIUM Helps to balance HARMONES, relieves MENSTURAL symptoms Clears CONGESTION, improves RESPIRATORY function FIBER & MAGNESIUM regulates high BLOOD PRESSURE & CHOLESTEROL Benefits of Sesame Seed (Til) STRENGTHENS BONES due to high calcium content. Packed with HEALTHY FATS, PROTEIN, VITAMINS, and MINERALS. Helps manage high BLOOD PRESSURE. Add to salads for a crunchy texture. Benefits of Fenugreek Seed Manages BLOOD SUGAR levels Supports healthy CHOLESTEROL levels. Assists in achieving natural HORMONAL balance Helps in reducing INFLAMMATION in the body. hashtag#Benefits of Flax seeds Rich in OMEGA-3 fatty acids and fiber Supports MEDICAL conditions. Aids in WEIGHT management Has ANTIOXIDANT properties Happy to answer any questions on this.